The Narrative Class
Calendar Summary, 2024–2025
From September 6 to May 23, students will be assigned homework to complete for Friday's lesson. The detailed assignment will be indicated on the weekly page, posted above right. There will be no classes on November 29 (Thanksgiving week), December 20 and 27, and April 18, and no assignments will be given for those dates. The tentative Speech Night for the upper classes is Friday, May 23 at 6:30 p.m. Friends and family members are welcome.
The activated dates listed below are hyperlinks that will take you to the assignments. Please remember that the dates of the hyperlinks indicate when the assignment has been given, not when it is due.
“[Mr. Johnson] advised me to keep a journal of my life, fair and undisguised. He said it would be a very good exercise, and would yield me infinite satisfaction when the ideas were faded from my remembrance...”
—James Boswell
London Journal, July 16, 1763